Sunday, August 1, 2010

things I was thinking about last night when I couldn't sleep

1. how it sometimes feels like you've wanted me out of your life since October, and how arbitrary and shitty that is, even if it's probably not true. Why I was on this train of thought again, I'm not sure. probably because I started thinking about the last time I couldn't sleep thinking about how you didn't want me. (I'm obnoxious sometimes, aren't I?)

2. why I have this romantic and sort of debilitating notion that I want to end up marrying someone from my past. someone it was "meant to be" with, even though I think the predestination thing is crap. And my past can be loosely defined.

3. how this guy from work fits into all of the emotionally distant male stereotypes, and how can his girlfriend possibly stand him?

4. OW. not the soreness, but the fact that I'm still sore from the other weekend.

5. the fact that driving scenes in movies always freak me out, because I expect a horrific accident scene the minute the driver gets happy or distracted.

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