Wednesday, November 17, 2010

things I did today

  • went to both of my classes
  • strategized with professor about how to not fail bioorganic chemistry
  • studied a little bit of bioorganic chemistry--oxime formation
  • met with women's group adviser #2, where we received way too many helpful suggestions for the number of hours i have in a day
  • ate pasta and also "tacos" that were really nachos. oh, and granola in yogurt
  • wrote about two pages of my paper, and more importantly figured out the structure a little better
  • watched iron jawed angels for the first time
  • had two sort of intense conversations simultaneously instead of writing said paper. it's on development of primary sex characteristics, and prior to tonight, was maybe a quarter of the way done. but now i have a research question, and i know how to work my background material into the rest of the text.
  • sent my resume and application for independent research to people writing me letters of rec
  • freaked out about how i should be applying for jobs and/or grad school instead of the award i'm actually applying for
  • worried about aforementioned two conversations and how not to resume old unhelpful social patterns. reflected on personal growth in the area of these topics.

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