Sunday, November 14, 2010

tacos are not that complicated

Dear dining "services," AGAIN,

i am not a chef. however, i do know a couple of things that are not that hard to figure out.

first, pico de gallo is definitely not straight-up chopped tomato. i don't claim to know what it is, but i'm sure it isn't this.
(side note: i looked it up, and according to The Internet, you can find out the etymology of the name and also that it generally involves onion and sometimes chilis, lemon or lime juice, cilantro, cucumber, radishes, and other firm fruits. the end)

also, please do not look at me like i've got three heads when i ask for sour cream. or for crunchy corn tortillas. they may not be authentic to actual Mexican cuisine, but you've been serving them since september, and i could have found them in the grocery store at the age of six. And i am not all that good at directions. why are you confused about whether you serve them today?

part three, if you wanted to not block the entire utensil slash condiment area during the dinner rush, there wouldn't be the pedestrian equivalent of a traffic jam. if you really wanted to improve life, you wouldn't keep the forks six feet off the ground--they are literally above my head and therefore very hard to reach--but that's another story.

and since when do you make rice with hot sauce?

(the reason i care so much and am so damn annoyed about this: hard-shell black bean tacos are the only gluten-free and vegetarian option in the student union/on the weekends. besides salad, but i drop weight as easily as i drop F-bombs.)

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