Wednesday, April 13, 2011

end of a rough day

Maybe I am asking too much of my mother. Maybe it is hypocritical and selfish and it applies too much of that thing where you apply your own standards [feminism] to people who don't believe in them.

but for the love of all that is good, would it kill her to support me, even if my dad doesn't? to be her own person instead of parroting the things he says? to understand that I'm about to do things differently than she did? to [act like she] believe[s] in me?

I'm not even asking for her to defend me against him to his face. just to maybe demonstrate that she's thought about this for herself.

and yeah, I recognize that this is ugly. it's representative of so many conflicts in my household. and it's things that I think are too cruel to say.

1 comment:

  1. :(

    It's not ugly--it's fair and you deserve what you have asked for here.and then some. Hopefully she will come around to realize these things.

    I feel like support should be a basic parental instinct!

    (PS--you can talk to me about stuff you know...if you need to)
